Monday, December 28, 2009

I really like him.. but have no experience.. and some best friend advice.. thanks.?

I'm 17 and I've never had a bf and therefore have never done ANYTHING with a guy b4.. not even hold hands.. the person who is supposed to be my best friend acts like she is the best person in the world because she has had bfs in the past... and i've clearly never had a bf b4... I want things to be special not just go for any guy u see. I really like this guy who went to my old school and we haven't spoken until ages until last night... and it was really good just talking to him again... i really want to organise a time to meet up with him after exams are over and just talk about stuff... it was really good talking to him because I told him things that I don't even tell my ';best friend'; which at the moment is a pretty good thing with the way that shes acting.. her and someone else decided to create a my space page for me just bagging me about something that (didn't actually happen) at a party that we went to a few months ago... coz u know how some ppl greet u by giving 1 kiss on either cheek.. just as a friendly thing.. well thats what happened and the person whos party that i went to was french so thats just what they do... anyway yeah they made a my space saying that i got my first kiss and it was on the cheek *gasp*, or something like that... and i just don't trust this person who is supposed to be my best friend because she is always making fun of me in one way or another... sorry this question is so long...

Yeah so if u have any tips for me on the guy thing or the best friend thing that would be great thanks.

ps. I am a rly shy person and i always go red in the face when i talk to ppl who i'm not usually friends with, or a guy, or just when i get asked questions in class...

And the guy that I like has had other gfs b4 and as u know i don't have any experience in that area. I really want to become more than just friends with him... but I don't know where to start.

Sorry that there's heaps of questions...

Thanks so much, love hayley xxI really like him.. but have no experience.. and some best friend advice.. thanks.?

1) She's your best friend, she's kind of supposed to bag on you for not having a bf yet. Just make sure she doesn't get mean. If she does, she isn't a friend.

2) There's nothing to be ashamed of at your age for not having a boyfriend, everybody finds their like or love at different ages

3) Sounds like you like the guy. Be yourself and see how it goes. Don't let anything go too fast because you feel like you have to get a boyfriend or get kissed.

4) Experience counts for squat. The experience thing sounds like me and my girl (but the other way around). She thought it was cute and you'll end up learning.

Have fun with your life and good luck with your boy!I really like him.. but have no experience.. and some best friend advice.. thanks.?
First of all, get rid of your ';BFF'; - she's lame. Secondly, just BE YOURSELF. Let the guy like you for who you are, not for someone he THINKS you are. Be true to yourself, and in the end it'll work out for the best.

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